BlackOak Equity Management is a premiere property management company that excels in buying, selling, leasing, and managing single-family, multi-family, and commercial property. We understand the importance of diversifying your investment portfolio to maximize continuous returns, which is why we strive for perfection when selecting our properties.
Our focus is on the direct and efficient acquisition of single-family and multi-family residences, and retail properties to increase our growing portfolio. Once a property is identified, it is assessed for suitability and then once approved, our team works tirelessly to acquire the asset.
Our reputation as an authentic and fair-minded direct buyer is strongly entrenches and we take pride in the fact that our business model works as a win/win for the seller and the buyer. With our knowledge of the unique multi-family investment market and our unwavering dedication, we are well positioned for continued and acceleration nationwide growth.
The BlackOak Equity Management mission is to continue expanding our operations and growing our investment portfolio.
BlackOak Equity Management currently holds $27M assets under management and specializes in the acquisition and asset management of commercial real estate, which included multi-family residences, single-family residences, and retail properties portfolios.
At BlackOak Equity Management, our focus is to source, manage, and grow the multi-family residence, single-family residence, and retail property investment portfolios of our investors, bringing wealth and financial freedom.
In any task we perform, from sourcing multi-family residence, single-family residence, and retail properties that bring the best possible rate of return, to managing assets with meticulous attention to detail, we believe in delivering superior service. We always go above and beyond for our guests, residents, investors, colleagues, and communities. Our highly professional team has a strong track record in property investment.
• We are all owners of the customer experience
• We are each responsible for delivering expectations
• We are empowered to make decisions that improve the customer experience
BlackOak Equity Management operates as a team to exceed expectations and we collaborate to deliver an exceptional customer experience for all of our investor clients.
Are you a current resident? Are you looking for available rentals? Do you have a question for our staff? Click below to visit our property management page and find what you're looking for.
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